Sunday, July 30, 2006

There was once a teacher
Whose principal feature
Was hidden in quite an odd way
Students by millions
Or possibly zillions
Surrounded him of all the day

When finally seen
By his scholarly dean
And asked how he managed the deed
He lifted three fingers
And said: “ All you swingers
Need only follow my lead.

To rise from zero
To big campus hero
To answer these questions you’ll strive
Where am I going,
How shall I get there, and
How’ll I know I’ve arrived?”

Taken from The School Curriculum, by W.Kenneth Richmond

hehe...hey guys, tis is a poem tat i came across wen i was searching fer information about "Science Curriculum"...hehe....i like tis here i put in to share wif u out fer me any nice poem about teachers yea...hehe...thanks 1st!! enjoy it!~

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