just got my renewed road-tax on Friday..
is in ORANGE colour!!haha..
I woke up suddenly and realized that the day was bright.I quickly switched on my handphone to check the time (clock on desk too far, cannot see without my glasses..haha..) oOps!~is 715a.m.! i was supposed to wake up at 630a.m. to attend mass in JB with my teacher and why didn't my alarm clock rang? It was as simple as "i forgot to tick "Sunday" in repitition category."=.="....
So, in a rush, managed to freshen up myself, changed and called Mrs. Chong that im on my way out. well, she just wake up too...(mass starts at 745a.m.) from UTM to STF takes about 20 minutes..jumped into my car, started the engine and set to go.
Reached STF about 15 minutes (took a shortcut..shhh...haha) no sign of Mrs. Chong's car anyway, and also Eldaa (the only Christian girl in the school..i mentioned about her before in my previous post). i waited for about 5 minutes (i know, we are already late for mass) then only saw Eldaa. She went in the office to get permission from the warden for outing and just when she's done, Mrs. Chong arrived. Both of us went in and off we go to Sacred Heart Church near Taman Pelangi in JB.
It's my first time to Sacred Heart. It's a very lovely church next to a post office.Obviously, we are really late and we missed the opening prayer and readings. I felt bad about it. But at least we still make it for the mass.
the altar
Mother Mary statue
The mass ended around 845a.m. After blessing from the priest, who happens to be an Irish (same as one of the priest in Kuching, St. Joseph Church...can't remember his name..Father Albert???), we prayed for a while in a special prayer room where they put the Body of Christ. After that, we get ready to leave. Mrs. Chong met a few of her friends in church and she kindly introduced me and Eldaa to her friends. She introduced me as "her colleague". haha..guess what's the reaction of her friends?
"She's so young!~A very young teacher!~"
haha..yea, with a T-shirt and jeans on me, of course i look young.but im very happy and honoured to be known as Mrs. Chong's colleague. I'm a future teacher anyway.haha...
After mass, we went for breakfast. At first, Mrs. Chong planned to bring us for Fishball soup but the shop was not opened yet. So, instead of fishball soup, we went for wantan mee. I noticed a phenomenon in Johor, breakfast are not as laku as in Kuching!!~ hardly see young people having breakfast here...no offence to my WM friends but even Mrs. Chong agrees. In Kuching, me and my friends often meet up for breakfast which is quite normal for us...but not here, most of my friends will rather have lunch (or brunch to be appropriate) together. haha..culture shock? not at all!~
well, after wantan mee, Mrs. Chong dropped by a bakery shop (Season Bakery - a popular bakery shop here, almost like MITA or TAKA bakery in Kuching) and bought me and Eldaa each a set of assorted cakes.That's so nice of her.haha...so happy to get cakes!~haha...well, not think too much but sweet things do make you happy rite??so yes~i'm happy!
Back to STF, got in my car and headed back to UTM. But before that, i went to JUSCO in Taman U to buy mineral water. Almost finished my stock in room and decided to shop something for myself. A pair of shoes maybe?? I was thinking...
reached JJ (the name people used for Jaya JUSCO) around 1015a.m.~hardly see any shop open yet! (operation time 1030a.m to 1030p.m.) my first time to a almost empty JJ because usually is like people mountain people sea in JJ!! that's one reason i dun really like to hang around in JJ but today was quite a pleasant sight.haha..
with two boxes of (1.5litre x 12) mineral water in my trolley (yes~i'm the one who carry the boxes, not the staff) and just wander around to see if i needed anything else. I'm glad that i did that. haha..Guess what i found? a PERFECT gift for myself!~
a Beijing Olympic 2008 souvenir cap in orange and white design!~
=front view=
=side view=
nice leh...haha...love it!!
It is displayed in the glass cupboard. No wonder i never seen it or noticed it before this!! The design i picked comes with 3 colours, pink, blue and orange. blue and orange only left the last one. i think i think for....2 seconds?? and decided to buy the orange one. haha..oh well, orange is a great temptation for me and after all, i love baseball caps!~(i have a few right back home if my dad didn took them for himself
lah) it will be even useful during holidays when im going for trips with my friends!! (speaking of trip, there is one coming on!!!~stil in the process of planning...hehe...=))
there you have it...i'm just wanna share with you guys my "happiness".haha..yea, despite i'm going home in 2 weeks' time and finishing my observations for teaching practical, i think i still can find a lot more reasons to be happy.
well, that's my lovely Sunday morning~ hope you guys have a great day and great week ahead!!~hugss!~